Of interest:
Scott Hodge on Leaving Church (via Eric)
I know you’ll find all sorts of spelling and grammatical errors in my writing, but I am a one-spacer and proud of it.
Who does CNN call when birds fall from the sky? Kirk Cameron! (Who actually has a decent response: “Maybe you should call a veterinarian instead of me”).
Spider-Man speaks at career day.
From Donald Miller: Is Church Life Stifling Your Creativity?
Seth Godin on Soles:
“There’s a sign on most squash courts encouraging players to wear only sneakers with non-marking soles. I’m not sure there’s such a thing. If you’re going to do anything worthy, you’re going to leave a mark.”
God also has some thoughts on raising expectations and how you shouldn’t advertise something you can’t deliver COUGH(rethink church)COUGH
Lifehacker: Five Things You Should Make Time For This Year and Learn How to Code this Weekend (which I didn’t spend my weekend doing).
Slactivist has some thoughts on imaginary enemies – he targets extreme elements in the tea party, but I think you get a similar phenomena in elements of the liberal side, too. Also from Slactivist a great post on mourning with those who mourn.