Category: church
this week’s round-up (june 11)
Check out the staycation ideas for churches from UM Communications. One of the things I’m excited about with the congregation I’ll be serving in July is the connection we have with Myers Lake Camp; they already to VBS at the camp, and many people stay at the campground during the week, but I’m already starting to think…
this week’s round-up (june 4)
Some friends are really bringing it this week on their blogs: Bridget Nelson has a great reflection on sharing that applies to three-year-olds and adults alike. Jeff Nelson offers up a great poetic narrative. Rick Dake talks about seeking understanding in the face of our many differences. Steve McCoy has some thoughts on Wil Willimon’s…
Circuit Rider
Good stuff in this month’s Circuit Rider – From Nathan Kirkpatrick: “Too often, when young leaders are discussed in meetings it is with a certain institutional desperation, as if clergy under 35 will fix all that presently ails the insitiution. Given the tone and tenor of many of these conversations, it would be understandable if…
what is the church for?
i’ve started reading N.T. Wright’s book Simply Christian and have already come across this gem: The point of following Jesus isn’t simply so that we can be sure of going to be better place than this after we die. Our future beyond death is enormously important, but the nature of the Christian hope is such…
social networks
Seth Godin on social networks:His key point is that social networking (ie facebook, twitter, etc) is only valuable to the degree that it fosters real relationships; if it’s not building conversation, trust and a willingness to serve and do for others it simply becomes a meaningless time waster. This summer I’ve also been reading Here…