Category: Seth Godin

  • Round-up – August 5

    Of interest: The true face of Medicare fraud (ie the real “welfare queens” aren’t the people most people picture when talking about Medicare abuse). Don’t commit a crime while wearing a FitBit. The reason your city can’t have fast internet access. The truth is finally revealed: I’ve Been Kenyan This Whole Time. Bloom County Returns!…

  • Another roundup…

    Another post with the too familiar chorus, “I really am going to get better about regular updates…” Anyway, here’s some of the things catching my interest over the last few weeks: Seth Godin writes on Destabilizing the Bully Power Structure, noting that: “Bullying persists when bureaucracies and hierarchies permit it to continue. It’s easier to…

  • On the blogs and in my brain…

    Love this – map of Detroit via watercolor filter, from – I’d love to get this (or something similar) made into a print. (via Ryan-boy). Lifehacker: The More Facebook Friends You Have, The Less Happy You Probably Are. I’ve been thinking about cutting back on my Facebook “friends”… don’t know what that might say about…

  • this weeks round-up (march 24)

    Backlogged again. Here’s what’s hit me over the past few weeks: Tony Jones is launching “Ecclesileak”- leaking memos, letters, etc. to expose the “dark underbelly” of denominations. His first target is the United Methodist Church and a memo about how to treat a visiting Bishop. I was expecting the worst, but reading it, I wasn’t…