Category: worship

  • Sermon: Palm Sunday/April 1, 2012

    “Journey to Hope: Celebration and Sorrow” Mark 11:1-11 Michael Mayo-Moyle Byron First United Methodist Church April 1, 2012             One Sunday a pastor told his congregation that the church needed some extra money and asked the people to prayerfully consider giving a little extra in the offering plate. He said that whoever gave the most…

  • baptism

    This is a spoken-word piece a group of us wrote for Annual Conference. I’ll get video posted soon. Written By Revs. Jeff Nelson, Eric Kieb, Michael Mayo-Moyle, and Jeremy Peters Presented during worship on Friday, May 21. sprinkle mesplash medip me dunk medowse medrown mepour meplunge me spew mespray me bring me to the watertake…

  • mandatum novum

    An old meditation I wrote about this day… Mandatum Novum A New Command To love and to serveOf course it isn’t really so newWe’ve heard it beforePreachers and prophets proclaimed itTelling us it was God’s Word, God’s will To love, to serveWe’ve heard it before – In the commandments carried down the mountain by Moses…